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How do German scholars rank with the scholars of the world? 1087. Who are some of the brilliant philosophers of Germany? 659, 857,

992, 1688.

Who constituted the "ideal" school of philosophy? 659. What great German philosopher said: "Whoever will tell me of a

good action done, him will I thank, though it be the last hour

of my life"? 857.

What Scotch philosopher "woke him from dogmatic slumbers"? Who was Schelling? 1088.

Who are some of the great German historians? 1087. What German historian lived to be ninety, and wrote about fifty

works on history? 1587.

What German historian wrote a Roman history? 1249. Who was the great scientist of Germany? 897. Who was Goethe and what can you tell about him? 777. What English novel influenced Goethe greatly? 2018. Whose early writings greatly excited the German people? 1087. How did Goethe and Schiller rank as dramatists? 550. How do they rank in the world of letters? 1088.

What influenced the study of Shakespeare in Germany? 1087, 1689. What satirist exerted a mighty influence over the German middle

classes? 1613.

About 1850 who ranked with Goethe and Schiller? 1087, 858. Who is the most eminent German novelist? 718. Who else were German novelists? 136, 718. What German was a tone-poet? 2032.


What remarkable people's literature is chiefly known in its French

and English forms? 357. What famous poem from this literature created a sensation in the

eighteenth century? 1397.

What was the name of the poets of ancient Britain and Gaul? 554. What British hero gave rise to much of this literature? 114. What famous poet was associated with him? 1207. What noble institution are they said to have founded? 1638. Who were some of its noted characters? 198, 729, 949, 1035, 1109, 1943. What did they seek? 790.

How did this literature work its way into French literature? 1628. What personages of mythology seem to be of Celtic origin? 646, 1129,

1142, 1294, 1559.

Where was Camelot? 314. What was Excalibur? 640. Who really made the British legends a part of English literature?

1152. What English poets in modern times wrote about these myths?

1265, 1796, 1856, 1891.

What German wrote musical dramas about Celtic heroes? 1109, 2033. Who has most nobly and successfully written about them? 1891. What great poems did he write? 913.


When did English literature begin? 201, 618, 190, 302, 47.

Was it written in English? 618.

If not, in what language? 1088.

Who was the first English poet? 201, 302.

Who were the earliest historians? 47, 190.

What were some of the literary results of the Normans conquering the

English? 618.

When did the first beginnings of our modern language arise? 618. What one man, more than any other, in effect formed English prose?

2114. What other man continued and strengthened this literar^ influence?
