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What modern English actor was knighted in 1895? 943. What famous musician composed but one opera? 1385. At what age did Beethoven first show evidences of his genius? 194.


What goddess is made famous by Swinburne in poetic form? 129.

What goddess is sometimes represented emerging from a golden palace and entering her chariot? 140.

What cruel treatment did CBdipus receive from his father? 1372.

What god became the wisest of gods by drinking from Mimr's fountain? 1472.

What goddess is the muse of history? 1284.

What is said of the muses? 1284.

What hero of the Trojan War slew Antilochus in single combat? 1200-1.

Who is called the early Roman god of war? 1176.

What month was named in honor of Mars? 1176.

How is Morpheus represented? 1264.

What goddess is the muse of comedy? 1284.

What god is forever excluded from paradise? 1452.

What hero won a kingdom by answering a riddle? 1372.

What goddess is the muse of tragedy? 1284.

How did Ulysses escape from the cannibal Polyphemus? 1522.

How did Vertumnus succeed in winning Pomona? 1522.

What goddess is the muse of choral dance and song? 1284.

What god held as sacred the wolf and woodpecker? 1176.

Who is called the Greek sea god? 1320.

Who are called the companions of Apollo? 1284.

What does the word Saturnalia mean? 1683.

What goddess is the muse of hymns? 1284.

How was a vestal virgin treated if she violated her vow? 2017.

What goddess did Apollo teach the secret of prophecy, and because she rejected his love he laid a curse on her? 346.

Who were the Danaides? 500.

Who was Jason? 965.

What divinities are used as denoting the worship of ancestors, the home altar and the hearth? 1031.

What was the hall, where were gathered the dead who had fallen in battle, called? 2035.

What goddess was identified as a personified woman? 983.

Who was the greatest of Egyptian gods? 1396.

What were the Olympic games? 1381.

By what other name was Zeus known? 1682.

Who is the god of the earth in Egyptian mythology? 1396.

Who is the goddess of heaven in Egyptian mythology? 1396.

Who was called the god of heaven? 1899.

What god was called the ruler of earth and heaven i& Scandinavian mythology? 1372.

Who was the god of love? 484.

What goddess was spoken of as the twin sister to Apollo? 527.

What goddess was left to die on a hill by her father at her birth because he wished for a son? 129.

What sroddpss changed Tithonus into a cricket? 140.

What king's son was abandoned by his father and found by a herdsman and ra*sed as his own son? 1372.

What goddess is the mupe of lyric poetry? 1284.

How were Nepttme and Poseidon represented? 1320.

How was Orpheus killed? 1395.

Who was the eroddess of dawn? 1232.

Who was the eoddess of the muse of poetry or passion? 1284.

Who was Uranus? 1991.

Prom what Greek ^od does our word tantalize come? 1870.

What is said of Saturn in later life? 1682.