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What is the aim of the science of dynamics? 566.

What is required in order to locate a particle? 566.

What do we use to describe the change of position of bodies? 566.

How is the velocity of a particle denned? 566.

How is the unit of time measured? 1913.

What is acceleration? 566.

What is the science of motion called? 566.

What is meant by mass? 566.

What is the distinction between mass and weight f 1184.

What is meant by inertia? 566.

How is inertia measured? 925.

What are the three fundamental concepts of dynamics? 566.

What experimental facts are at the foundation of dynamics? 566.

What is the linear momentum of a body? 566.

What is force? 566.

What is the distinction between kinetics and statics? 1814.

What is meant by graphical statics? 1814.

What are Newton's laws of motion? 566.

What is the conservation of matter as stated by Lavoisier? 567.

What are work and energy? 567.

What is the unit of power? 1541.

What is the principle of the conservation of energy? 567.

What simple method is used to treat rotation and translation? 567.

What are the two groups of energy? 567.

What is the definition of potential? 1537.

Does the potential energy of any system tend to increase or to decrease? 567.

What is elasticity? 593.

What is meant by stress and strain? 594.

Why is perpetual motion impossible? 1454.

How is density defined? 521.

What is specific gravity? 521.

What is the hydrometer? 903.

What is the science of hydraulics? 903.

Under what pressure do hydraulic engines work? 903.

How is the possible work of a water-wheel determined? 2053.

What two kinds of water-wheels are used today? 2054.

Where are the most powerful turbines ever built? 2054.

What is the available water power of the United States? 2054.

What horse power is developed at Niagara Falls? 1346.

What two systems of waterworks are now in use? 2055.

What is the daily consumption of water per person in American cities? 2055.

How many times greater is this than the consumption of European cities? 2055.

What is the temperature of boiling water? 1815, 237.

Do pressure and temperature increase equally in a closed boiler? 1815.

What are the two general types of boilers? 236.

What is the Babcock and Wilcox boiler? 237.

How is the horse-power of a boiler stated? 237.

What percentage of carbon does coal contain? 413.

What power was used to work the first piston engine? 1815.

What lazy boy is said to have invented the valve gear? 1815.

How did James Watt improve the steam engine? 1815.

What is Watt's engine-governor? 738.

What governor is used on modern high speed engines? 788.

What variation in speed is allowed for electric light engines? 788.

What is an indicator? 922.

What information is given by indicator cards? 922.

What is the difference between indicated horse-power and brake horsepower? 923.

What is a prony brake? 570.

What is meant by one horse-power? 569.

Upon what does the efficiency of a steam engine depend? 1816.