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What causes the Gulf Stream? 813.

What place has the largest rainfall in the world? 199.

Where is the heaviest rainfall in the United States? 1582.

What produces quicksand? 1574.

Where is the Ignis Fatuus seen? 915.

What causes geysers? 762.


When and where was the Red Cross Society organized? 1595.

To whom does the society of King's Daughters owe its origin? 826.

From what does the society of Ursulines take the name? 1992.

Who were the Knights of Malta? 1153.

What was the origin of Mormonism? 1263.

What was the League of Schmalkald? 1689.

When and where was the Y. M. C. A. organized? 2088, 2126.

What pope opened the Vatican archives for historical investigation?


Was Chautauqua founded to instruct Sunday school teachers? 374. What is the theory of pessimism? 1458. From whom did Mohammed claim descent? 945. How long has Buddhism existed? 284.

What pope first undertook to introduce Christianity in England? 804. What is the name of thirteen of the Roman Catholic popes? 1054. To whom is the Catholic Church indebted for her ritual and chants?


What are the duties of the pontiffs? 1526.

What noted cathedral was begun in 1270 and completed in 1880? 425. When and by whom was the pope proclaimed infallible? 1527. Of what island was the entire population Christianized in twenty years

and under whose labors? 1429. What sect will eat nothing cooked by a person of another religion?


What is serpent worship? 1725.

Who was the first apostle to baptize a Gentile convert? 1461. What was the difference between Pharisees and Sadducees? 1464. What religious sect invaded the British territory in India in 1845?


What theological seminary has sent forth three thousand ministers? 70. Under what Roman emperor was Christianity established as the religion of the state? 1627.

Why is Polycarp's life especially important? 1521. How many churches in London, England? 1110. What city in South America contains over seventy sacred buildings?

1071. Who was the first bishop of the M. E. Church ordained in America?


Who first preached Methodism in America? 1683. What sect claimed to have a revelation that Christ would soon appear

in the form of a woman? 1732.

What famous preacher never received a college education? 1806. Who first established the temporal sovereignty of the Holy See? 1450. Whose influence caused the separation of the Latin and Greek

churches? 1475. What church is called the Mother and the Head of all the Churches

of the city and of the world, in Rome? 1034. In what kingdom are all the natives required to enter the priesthood

for a time? 1749.

From what did the term Protestantism come? 1553. What priest gave his life to work among the lepers? 499. What saint was called John the Almoner, and was the greatest orator

of the ancient church? 396. What ended pagan religion in Sweden? 1854. Who founded the modern system of Sunday schools? 1848.