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What is meant by the Urira and Thummim? 1992.

Who was the successor of Henry Ward Beecher? 1.

Who was called the Father of the Faithful? 4.

Where and when was the name Christian first given to the disciples

of Christ? 80-81.

What did Christianity do for Rome? 1627. Who introduced Christianity into Scotland and when? 1708. What title is given to the head of the Greek church? 1429. From what did the Greek church arise? 1429. Who were the Dominicans? 543. Who were the Druids? 554.

When and by whom was the organization of Jesuits formed? 1122. Who was the founder of the Shakers? 1045,

Who was the founder of the Protestant missions in China? 1266. What president was instrumental in securing religious liberty to the

people of Virginia? 1142.

Where did John Wesley first preach to the colonists? 1683. When did the Saxons accept Christianity? 1686. Who was the founder of the Karen mission? 232. What led to the formation of the American Baptirt Missionary Union?


Who was the founder of the first Sunday school? 1848. What was the beginning of the Swedenborg movement? 1855. When and by whom was the Society of Quakers formed? 1570. What led to the formation of the American Board of Missions? 981. What is the first account of the Greek religion we have? 801.


When was the linen mill first introduced in England? 1077.

Where and when was point lace first known? 1017.

Of what is macaroni made? 1129.

What is linseed oil made from? 1077.

How is indigo produced? 923.

From what are natural gas and petroleum said to be produced? 1306.

Where does port wine come from? 1534.

How is oleomargarine made? 1379.

What is the most important manufactory in Worcester, England? 2109.

How are bottles made? 773.

How is ice manufactured? 911.

How many white lead factories in the United States? 2079.

What is the first gold, lead and silver state? 428.

What is the extent of the sugar beet raising in France? 705.

What is celluloid, and when and where was it invented? 357.

What is the difference between chocolate and cocoa? 418.

When and where was the first rolling-mill established? 939.

What city is the world's greatest milling center? 685.

What class originated the making of whiskey and for what purpose?


When were shells first used as projectiles? 1738. When and where was the first printing press used in the United States?

1549. What staple product of South Carolina is considered the best in the

market? 1784.

How early was wire drawing begun in the colonies? 1185. What port is next to New York in its foreign trade? 249. Which state stands foremost in manufactures? 1332. What state yearly ships out about 10,000 carloads of peaches? 516. What country produces nearly half the steel of the world? 1820. How many barrels of beer are made yearly by the Pabst Brewery of

Milwaukee? 1229. How many laborers in this country is it estimated there are whose

yearly income does not exceed $475? 1015. In what city are 20,000,000 steel pens made every week? 219. Where are the largest starch factories in the world? 1812.