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Cellini, Benvenuto: 357

Celluloid: 357

Cellulose: 357

Celsius, Anders: 357

Celts or Kelts: 357; in Europe 633

Cement: 357

Cemetery: 358

Cenei, Beatrice: 358

Cenis, Mont: 1951, 55

Cenozoic Era (geol.): 748

Census: 359

Centaurs (myth.): 359

Centennial Exposition: 642

Centigrade Scale (Celsius): 3 5 7

Centiped: 359

Central Africa Protectorate: 359, 1366

Central America: 60

Central Falls, R. I: 360

Central Park, New York City: 360

Centralia, 111: 360

Centrifugal Force: 360

Century Plant or Agave: 25

Cepheus (myth.): 71

Ceramics: 360

Cerberus (myth.): 360

Cereals: barley 172; corn 457; oats 1368 rice 1610; rye 1650; wheat 2073

Ceres (myth.): 126, 361

Cerro Gordo, Battle of: 361, 1675

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de: 361, 1086, 1765

Cervera, Pascual: 361, 1676, 1790

Cervin, Mont (Matterhorn): 1189, 55

Cetacea: 1154

Cetewayo: 361, 1304

Cevennes Mountains: 148, 703

Ceylon: 361; pearl-fishery 1435

Chaboneau: 1060

Chad or Tsad, Lake: 1948

Chadbourne, Paul Ansel: 362

Chasronea, Battle of: 1468. See DEMOSTHENES

Chaffee, Major-General Adna R: 362

Chafra or Chaphren: 1566

Chagos Islands: 362

Chaillu, Paul Du: 557

Chair (Sedan): 1717

Chaka or Tshaka: 1304

Chalazogamy: 362

Chalcedony: 25, 362, 1571, 1757

Chaldsea: 125, 152

Chaleurs, Bay of: 362

Chalk: 363; French 1866

Chalmers, Thomas: 363

Chalons, Battle of: 785, 899

Chamberlain, Joseph: 363

Chambers, B. J: 1015

Chambers, Ephraim: 613

Chambers, Robert: 363

Chambers, William: 363

Chambersburg, Pa: 364

Chambord, Henri Charles, Comt* de: 364

Chameleon: 364

Chamois: 364; skin 1043

Chamouni, Valley of: 365, 55

Champagne: 365, 2095

Ciiampaign, 111: 365

Champ-de-Mars, Paris: 365

Champlain, Lake: 365, 2012, 1334

Champlain, Samuel de: 365, 901

Champs-Ely sees, Paris: 366

Chancellorsville, Battle of: 366, 954, 1047

Chandler, Zachariah: 366

Chang and Eng: 1749

Chang-Choo-Fou: 366

Change of Molecular State: 855

Chanler, Mrs. J. Armstrong (Ainelie Rives),


Channel, English: 366 Channel Islands: 366 Channing, William Ellery: 367 Chantilly, France: 367 Chantrey, F. L: 1712 Chapleau, Jos. A: 367 Chapultepec, Battle of: 367 Characeae (in plants) ^67 Charcoal: 367-Charcoal-Drawing: 351 Chares of Lindus: 430 Chariloas, King: 1125 Chariot: 341 Charisi,% Jehuda: i o 81 Charity, Sisters of: 367 Charlemagne: 335, 368, 589, 634, 704, 758,

829, 1054, mo, 1625, 1686, 1813 Charles, Cape: 377 Charles of Anjou: 341, 1300, 1752 Charles VI of Austria: 1186. 1752 Charles of Bavaria: 146, 1193 Charles I of England: 283, 368, 481, 581,

617, 896, mi, 1182, 1357 1461, 1778,

1644, 1835, 2083 Charles II of England: 368 617, mi, 1341,


Charles III of France: 1359 Charles V of France: 1120, 1614 Charles VI of France: 1467 Charles VII of France: 369, 973, 1467 Charles IX of France: 350, 369, 895 Charles X of France: 369,705, 1175 Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire and

of Spain: 369, 544, 563, 706.- 758, 763,

879, 1144. 1190, 1303, 1658, 1753, 1789 Charles I of Rumania (Carol I): 339 Charles II of Spain: 1117 Charles IV of Spain: 1445 Charles XI of Sweden: 1855 Charles XII of Sweden: 369, 1460, 1855 Charles XIII of Sweden:' 1686, 1855 Charles XIV of Sweden (Bernadotte): 205 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy: 370,

1299 Charles Edward (The Young Pretender):

37°> 958

Charles, Law of: 370 Charles Mart'el: 371, 1512 Charleston, S. C: 371; earthquake 575 Charleston, W. Va: 371 Charlestown, Mass: 371 Charlotte, N. C: 372 Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany: 372 Charlottes ville, Va: 372 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Can: