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Christiana Deal or Fir: 675

Christiania, Norway: 395

Christina, Queen of Sweden: 395

Christmas: 395, 650; carols 395; tree 395

Christmas Carol, A (story): 395

Christmas Island: 1760

Christopher, Saint: 395

Christ's Hospital: 395

Chromolithography: 1101

Chronograph: 396

Chronometer or Clock: 411

Chrysalis: 349

Chrysanthemum: 396

Chryseis (myth.): 396, 7

Chrysippus (myth.): 134, 1830

Chrysolite: 1725

Chrysostom, Saint: 396

Chulalongkorn I of Siam: 1749

Chuquisaca, Bolivia: 396

Church, Frederick Edwin: 396

Church-Councils: 396

Churchill, Lord Randolph: 397

Churchill River: 397

Churchill, Winston: 397, 1096

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer: 397

Church of St. Bartholomew The Great: 1110

Churubusco, Battle of: 397

Cicada: 397, 1106

Cicero, Marcus Tullius: 351, 398, 1058, 1083, 1850

Cid, The (poem): 398, 1086

Cider: 399

Cienfuegos, Cuba: 399

Cirnabue, Giovanni: 399

Cimbri: 399, 1172

Cimon: 399

Cincinnati, Ohio: 399, 1859

Cincinnati, Society of the: 400

Cincinnati University: 400

Cincinnatus, Lucius Quintius: 400

Cinematograph: 400

Cinnamon: 1798

Cintra, Portugal: 1754

Circsea (in plants): 1351

Circassians: 400

Circe (myth.): 400

Circuit-Court: 467

Circulation of Blood: 400

Circus Maximus, Rome: 1630

Circus, Roman: 401

Cirrus-Clouds: 412

Cities of the U. S: 1976

Citizenship: 401

Citric Acid: 7, 1071

Citron: 402

Citrullus: 402

Civet: 1452

Civil Government. See U. S. DEPTS. of: 1984

Civil Service: 402

Civil War of England: 617

Civil War of the U. S: 441, 1982, 2024; Andersonville 70; Battles 80, 163, 288, 354, 366» 373» 383> 421, 456> 646, 679, 698, 708, 712, 728, 762, 954, 1046, 1108, 1152, 1244, 1281, 1587, 1741, 1742, 1804, 2018; cause 1766; forces engaged 2024.


Claiborne, William: 403

Claiboure, William Charles Cole: 403

Clairvoyance: 1884

Clam: 403

Clan: 403

Clarendon, Constitutions of: 189

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of: 404

Clarendon, George Villiers, Earl of: 404

Claret: 2095

Clarinet or Clarionet: 404

Clark, Alvan: 404

Clark, Francis E: 404

Clark, George Rogers: 404

Clark, Capt. William: 1060, 1061

Clark, Sir William Mortimer: 405

Clark, William R: 405

Clark University: 405

Clarke, James Freeman: 405

Clarkson, Thomas: 2083

Clarksville, Tenn: 405

Clary's Grove Boys: 1074

Claude Lorrain: 405, 1299

Claudian Aqueduct: 406

Claudius I of Rome: 405, 1320, 1723

Clausius, Rudolf Julius E: 406

Clay: 406; aluminum 56; brick 265; kaolin

653; pottery 1538; soil 1778 Clay, Cassius Marcellus: 406 Clay, Henry: 406, 1061, 1094, 1586, 1814 Clayton-Buiwer Treaty: 407 Clean thes: 1830 Clearing-House: 169 Cleary, James V: 407 Cleaveland, Benjamin: 1005 Cleburne, Texas: 407 Cleistogamous Flowers: 407 Clematis: 407

Clemenceau, Georges B. E: 408 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain):

408, 1095

Clement (popes): 408 Clement III (pope): 408, 804 Clement VI (pope): 408, 1614 Clement VII (pope): 408, 1991 Clement XI (pope): 408, 1992 Clement XIV (pope): 408, 707 Clementi, Muzio: 408 Cleobulus: 1727 Cleon: 1348

Cleopatra: 81, 408, 591, 1435, 1963 Cleopatra's Needle: 1368 Clermont, Council of: 483 Cleveland, Stephen Grover: 409 Cleveland, Ohio: 409 Cliff-Dwellers: 1559 Climate: 1969

Clingman, Thomas Lanier: 410 Clinostat: 410 Clinton, Fort: 411 Clinton, Iowa: 410 Clinton, Mass: 410 Clinton, De Witt: 410 Clinton, George: 410 Clinton, Sir Henry: 411, 1564 Clio (myth.): 1284 Clisthenes: 130 Clive, Lord Robert: 411, 94, 562, 1728