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Fawcett, Edgar: 651

Fawcett, Henry: 651

Fawkes, Guy: 651, 816

Fayal, Azores: 149


Feathers. 651

Federalists: 1519

Federalist, The: 830, 966, 1519

Feeding-Stuffs: 651

Feehan, Patrick A: 652

Feeling: 652

Felberg, Mount: 756

Feldspar or Felspar: 653, 1778

Felix, Antonius or Claudius: 6<i

Fellah: 653

Fellowship (collegiate): 654

Felt: 654

Fencing: 654

Fenelon, Francois de Salignac: 654, 1085

Fenians: 654

Ferdinand of Austria: 1780

Ferdinand I of Castile: 655, 1789^

Ferdinand III of Castile: 655

Ferdinand V of Castile and Aragon: 655, 1789, 1752

Ferdinand I, Emperor of Germany: 655

Ferdinand II, Emperor of Germany: 655

Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany: 655, 1729

Ferdinand I of Naples: 655

Ferdinand II of Naples: 780

Ferdinand IV of Naples: 655, 1752

Ferdinand VII, King of Spain: 656, 1789

Ferdinand, Saint. See FERDINAND III

Ferguson, James: 656

Ferishtah: 1081

Fermentation: 656


Fern: 656


Fernie, B. C: 657

Ferrara, Duchess of: 247

Ferrara, Duke of: 96, 1762

Ferrara, Italy: 657

Ferraris, Professor: 601

Ferret: 657

Ferruchi: 1081

Ferry: 657

Ferry, Jules Francois Camille: 657

Ferryland: 657

Fertilization: 657

Fertilizers: 657

Fessenden, William Pitt: 658

Festivals: April Fools 86; Arbor Day 90; Bacchus 153; Chinese 390; Christmas 395; Decoration Day 513; Easter 576; Halloween 828; Labor 1015; Mardi Gras 1169; May 1192; New Year's 1331; Passover 1427; St. Nicholas 1348; Thanksgiving 1897

Fetich: 658

Feudal System: 658

Fez, Morocco: 658

Fez, University of: 658

Fezzan: 658

Fiber: 658

Fiber Industries: 659

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: 659

Fidelio (opera): 659

Field, Cyrus West: 659

Field, David Dudley: 659

Field, Eugene: 659

Field, Marshall: 660

Field, Stephen Johnson: 660

Field-Bindweed. See CONVOLVULUS

Fielding, Henry: 660, 1090

Fielding, William S: 660

Fiesole, Italy: 683

Fifteenth Amendment, The: 1982

Fig: 660

Fiji Islands: 661

Filament: 661

Filicales: 661

Fillmore, Millard: 662

Filter: 662

Finance of U. S: 1975

Finch: 662

Findley, Ohio: 662

Fine Arts: 663. See, also, ART and ARTISTS in Index

FingaTs Cave: 674

Finland: 674, 1323; literature 1086; race 675

Finland, Gulf of: 675

Finns. See FINLAND

Fir: 675

Firdausi, Abdul Kasim Mansur: 676, 1081

Fire: Chicago 380; London mi

Firearms. See ARMS

Fireballs: 1212

Fire-Brick: 265

Fire-Damp: 676

Fire-Engine: 676

Fire-Extinguisher: 676

Firefly: 676

Fireproofing: 676

Fireworks: 676

Fire-Worship: 1426

Firth of Clyde: 413

Firth of Forth: 699

Firth of Solway: 1779

Firth of Tay: 1875

Fish-Culture: 677

Fish-Guano: 809

Fish, Hamilton: 677

Fisher, Fort: 1531, 2091

Fisher, George Park: 677

Fisher, Admiral Sir John: 677

Fisher's Hill: 1739

Fishery: cod 328; herring 869; menhadden 1203; oyster 1406; salmon 1666; sardines 1680; seal 1714; trout 1945; whale 2072,


Fishes: 678 Fishhawk: 678 Fiske, John: 678 Fiske, Mrs. Minnie Maddern: 679 Fitch, John: 679, 1744, 1818 Fitchburg, Mass: 679 Fitchett, William Henry: 679 Fitzgerald, Edward: 1382 Fitzpatrick, Sir Charles: 679 Five Forks, Battle of: 679, 1740 Five Nations, The: 940