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Reading, Pa: 1591

Realschule: 1701

Reaping-Machines: 1591, 1132

R6aumur, Ren6 Antoine: 1592

R6camier, Madame: 1592

Receptacle: 1592

Rechabites, The; 1592

Reciprocity: 1592

Reclamation Act: 940

Reclamation of Swamp-Lands: 1592

Reclus, Jacques iSlise'e: 1594

Reconstruction in the South: '1594* 975

Redbreast: 1595, 1620

Red Cross Societies: 15951 I77

Redditch, England: 1317

Redfield William C., facing 2093

Redi. Francesco: 1802

Red Jacket: 1595, 940

Redlands, Cal: 1596

Red Mountains: 2122

Red Prince: 712

Red River: 1596; of the North: 1596

R@d River Rebellion: 1596, 1613

Red Sea? 1596, 119

Redstart: 1596

Reed (in music) 1597

Reed, Thomas B : 1597

Reeves, John Sims: 1597

Refining (Kerosene and Sugar): 1597

Reflection (in optics): 1067

Reformation: 1597, 706, 1124, 1199, 1553; Huguenots 1117; Luther 1124; Scotland 1008; Waldenses 2034

Refraction (in optics): 1067; eye 643; prism 1550

Refrigeration: 1598

Regent Diamond: 527

Regillus, Lake: 1598

Regina, Assinibpia: 1598

Regnault, Henri Victor: 1598, 906

Regulus, Marcus Atilius: 1599

Rehoboam: 972, 1746

Reichsanstalt, Berlin, Germany: 1599

Reid, Thomas: 1599

Reid, Whitelaw: 1599

Reign of Terror: 717

Reims or Rheims, France: 1605

Reindeer* 1599, 803, 1030

Reinecke, Karl: 1600

Reiss Philip,: 1884

Religion in the U. S.: 1975; questions 2406

Rembrandt, Hermanzoon: 1600

Femenyi, Eduard; 1600

Remington, Frederick: 1600

Remonstrance, The Grand: 368

Remora* 1600

Remsen, Ira: 1600

Remus (myth): 1631

Re"musat, Charles Francois: 1600

Renan, J Ernest* 1601

Renascence or Renaissance: 706

RenL Guido: 1601

Repeal Association: 1370

Representatives, House of: 442, 1974* impeachment 917

Reprisal, Letters of: 1175

Reproduction (in plants): 1601

Reptiles: 1601; eggs 589

Republic, Grand Army of the: 1601, 1109

Resaca de la Palma, Battle of: 1876

Reservoir System: 2054

Reshid-ed-Din: 1081

Resins: 1602

Resonance (in physics): 1602

Resources of the U. S., Natural: 1967-70

Respiration (in plants): 1602

Respiration, Organs of: 1603

Reszke, Jean de: 1603

Retina: 644

Retort (in chemistry): 1603

Retreat of the Ten Thousand: 2117

Retz, Cardinal: 1085

Reunion Island: 1604

Reuter, Fritz: 1604, 1088

Revere, Paul: 1604, 1062

Revere, Mass: 1604

Revolution, War of the American: 1978; Brandywine 260: Bunker Hill 289; Con« cord 439; Bennington 200; Conways* cabal 741; Cowpens 470; King's Mountain 1005; Lafayette 1020; Monnaouth 1252; Princeton 1548; Saratoga 1679; Stony Point 1832; Thanksgiving Day 1897; Trenton 1941; West Point 2071; Yorktown 2124

Revolver: 1604, 814

Reynard the Fox (poem): 1604

Reynolds, John Fulton: 1605

Reynolds, Sir Joshua: 1605

Rhadamanthus (myth.): 1605

Rhsetia: 1963, 1858

Rhaetian Alps: 1963

Rhea or Nandu (bird): 1605

Rhea (myth.): 1682

Rheims or Reims, France: 1605

Rheingold, Das (opera): 1606

Rheotropism: 1606

Rhine River: 1606, 632

Rhinoceros: 1606

Rhizoids: 1606

Rhizome or Root stock: 1633

Rhode Island. 1606, 545, 2088

Rhodes: 1607, 1153

Rhodes, Cecil John: 1607

Rhodes, Colossus of: 430, 1607

Rhodesia, South Africa: 1607

Rhodes Scholarships: 1608

Rhododendron: 1608

Rhodophycese: 1609

Rhone River: 1609, 743

Rhubarb: 1609

Rhythm: 1693

Rial!, Phineas: 1124

R'bault, Jean: 1609

Ribbon: 1609

Ricardo, David: 1610

Rice: 1610

Richard I of England (the Lion-Heart), 1610, 483, 974, 1664

Richard II of England: 1611, 616, 862, 074, 1008, 1771, 2050

Richard III of England: 1611, 587, 616, 863, 1635, 2124

Richardson, Samuel: 1611, 1090