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tain. I am sure that there is no other way left for us than the honourable way which we have taken, viz., we have said that we are sorry for the assault that has taken place, though we are not in a position to find out the culprits and under the circumstances the action of the Mill Managers cannot be defended. I think I shall not be greatly mistaken if I make bold to say if there are culprits who have committed the assault they are not to be found in this Union. Under the circumstances, my brothers, remember that a great and solemn obligation rests in your hands, the honour, the dignity, the respect of the Labour Union is with you ; I would appeal to you to see that dignity and that selfrespect is not at all lowered. If the Mills do not open to-morrow we meet at 4 o'clock. On the afternoon of the 6th December a very big meeting was held about 10,000 people were present to discuss the notice of the Mill authorities which we have already published. Mr. Wadia presided and made the following speech : Yesterday evening I was speaking to you about the great virtue of unity and I advised you that all of us must stand together, men of various departments in the two Mills. I told you that the departments of the Mills are like the limbs of a body, and just as when there is disease in one part of the body the whole body pains, so also when there is suffering for one department of the Mill the entire Mill must suffer. That was what I said yesterday evening. This morning as you are aware of a