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LABOUR IN MADRAS 89 ment shall be given to labourers. But above everything else, what satisfies me as the first result of the fight is that we are winning because we have stood united, that we are winning greater things when we take future things into account (cheers). What is more important is that in future the work of the M. L. U. will go forward with double strength and we will keep up all our activities in this, our head-quarters. Now I would like to say one word about the victory we are winning. The victory does not belong to a few of us who have been working for you, neither to myself nor to my friends, Mr. Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar, Mr. E. L. Aiyar, Mr. Kamat, Mr. Sankara Aiyar, nor even to Mr. Andrews, but it belongs to you who have stood united like a stone wall by carrying out a good programme faithfully and well. I want you to remember, whether we are here or whether we are not here, your work must be carried on by you with self-respect to yourselves, dignity and indepen• dence in your character, and behaviour of men good and true, as you have proved yourselves to be in this lawfui struggle of many days. And so, my brothers, in bringing this struggle to a close, having done all we possibly could do, I wish you prosperity and success. But do not think that your struggle is altogether over. I wish success to your 19 representatives who go on behalf of the Madras Labour Union and we hope that the Mills will be opened next Monday. LOCK-OUT TO CONTINUE STRUGGLE TO GO ON The 18 Labour Union representatives met Sir Clement Simpson and other Mill officers in the morning.