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103 and gain for itself reduction in working hours, and do sundry other things. No one represents or speaks out for Labour now. Capitalists, Europeans and Indians alike, exploit labour and we must put a stop to this. The Labour problem is one problem of the masses. Now mass movements of a political nature have to begin sometime in India, and somebody has to tackle the problem. I think the time has come to make a start, and why should I not be that somebody? I have frankly and honestly stated why I started the Labour Union; but what has that to do with Messrs. Biony & Co., Lock-cuts? The question at issue at this moment is “why this lock-out? Why this trouble in the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills ? " AN HALF TRUTH AND THE REAL TRUTH The Manifesto of Messrs. Binny & Co. refers to Lord Pentland's kipd interference, and my discussions with their Mr. Symonds. It is said that “there was a temporary cessation of meetings.” Messrs. Binny & Co. ought to bave told the whole truth. After my discussions with Mr. Symonds, I wrote to him a letter on 30th May. 1918. detailing some of the grievances and here is the closing paragraph of my letter : “There are other points, but they may be left over just for the present. If you can see your way to meet the labourers on the above items, it would facilitate matters considerably. I am prepared to discontinue the meetings while you and Sir Clement Simpson are considering this letter. The labourers will not approve of this, I fear, but I am eager to do all I can to meet your wishes. I request you to consider the matter and let me have an answer to this as early as convenient.