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when there were difficulties in Bengal they were met in another way. Repression and hatred were met by anarchism. We see a glorious struggle to-day where our countrymen and brethren are meeting hatred and enmity in the spirit of love and sacrifice and tolerance. The outcome will be one of immense gain and that is the lesson I would like you to take to heart. Remember that as our Shastras have taught, enmity, hatred, repression, oppression, despotism, can only be wiped out when all these evils are met in & spirit of self-sacrifice, self-surrender, self-abnegation, in an utterly cheerful and joyous attitude. That is the lesson we must all remember. Our business is to point out what are our difficulties, to point out the truth about the difficulties and the true remedies. We must persistently, quietly, without injuring or harming anyone or any institution, get at truth. That is the spirit which the poor people of Kaira are teaching us, and that is the spirit we must learn in these days when there are troubles and difficul. ties, everywhere. (Hear, hear.) That is the kind of spirit we will have to gain for ourselves. It does not mean putting up with unnecessary hardships, and difficulties that can be removed. All such difficulties will have to be removed in course of time but with persistent, patient and uttermost regard for truth. All forms of tyranny, all objects of despotism will have to be removed, not by others but by ourselves. That is the thing we will have to remember. I have told you in previous weeks of certain great qualities necessary for all work. The spirit of brotherhood, the spirit of independence are essential. Then,