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LABOUR IN MADRAS 29 No REPLY No reply came from either. In fact Mr. Symonds has not even now acknowledged the letter. In spite of nonacknowledgment either by the Private Secretary to His Excellency or Mr. Symonds, I adhered to my programme. Now my letter to Mr. Symonds was written on May 30th. Four weeks after I wrote once again to the Private Secretary thus : DEAR MR, MOIR, 28th June, 1918. I forwarded to you for His Excellency's perusal my letter to Mr. A. P. Symonds of Messrs. Binny & Co., dated 30th May, 1918. Will you please inform His Excellency that Mr. Symonds has not replied to my letter, and has not even shown the courtesy of acknowledging it. One full month has elapsed and my promise has been kept ; for during the period I have not addressed a single meeting of the laburers at Perambur. In fact no meetings have been held and the labourers have spent their Saturday afternoons at semi-religious Harikatha performaaces. It was with some difficulty that I have been able to persuade the labourers to go without regular meetings. They have found some relief by our regulated sale of food stuffs. As advised by His Excellency, I have tried my best to co-operate with Mr. Symonds, but I regret I have not been belped in any way. I deem it necessary to bring this fact to the notice of His Excellency. Sincerely yours, B. P. WADIA. T. E. MOIR, ESQ., I.C.S., Private Secretary to H. E. the Governor of Madras, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OOTACAMUND.