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LABOUR IN MADRAS 41 Two RESOLUTIONS PASSED One of the members of the Union moved the following resolutions in Tamil: (1) That this meeting of the Madras Labour Union requests the All-India Congress Committee to consider our grievances as detailed in our President, Mr. B. P. Wadia's, letter to the Manager of the Mills and take such steps as are necessary. (2) That this meeting further urges the Congress in its selection of delegates to choose at least one who would speak with authority and knowledge of the grievances of the Indian labourers and their representation in the reformed Indian Council. The resolutions were put and carried unanimously. MR. B. P. WADIA I shall try and put these two wishes of yours conveyed in the two resolutions before the All India Congress Committee, but I am afraid there is not much to be done at the present moment regarding the first resolution. At any rate, I will try my best to speak privately to all the members of the All-India Congress Committee about your grievances and see what they can do with the same. As for the second resolution we shall certainly see that one of the delegates who go to England is posted up with all the information regarding your troubles and your grievances. Perhaps it is possible that my chief, Mrs. Besant, may allow me myself to go to England as one of the delegates, and in that case your grievances will be fully represented before the labourmembers. THE LOCK-OUT OF MESSRS. BINNY & CO. OF OCTOBER 1918. A lock-out was declared in the Buckinghain and