Page:Late lyrics and earlier, with many other verses (IA latelyricsearlie00hardiala).pdf/137

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Yet—if no whit now
Feel those of it now—
Care not a bit now
For it—why I?

I'll seek a town street,
Aye, a brick-brown street,
Quite a tumbledown street,
Drawing no eyes.
For a Mary dwelt there,
And a Percy felt there
Heart of him melt there,
A Claire likewise.

Why incline to that city,
Such a city, that city,
Now a mud-bespat city!—
Care the lovers who
Now live and walk there,
Sit there and talk there,
Buy there, or hawk there,
Or wed, or woo?

Laughters in a volley
Greet so fond a folly
As nursing melancholy
In this and that spot,
Which, with most endeavour,
Those can visit never,
But for ever and ever
Will now know not!