Page:Letter from Aubrey Hall to Helen, 1935-12-24, p1.png

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Yaringa South
((illegible text))

24 Dec 1935


Thank you for your letter and the parcel.

I am at the homestead tonight, for Christmas. The first time for ten days. Have been camped out 17 M on a (illegible text), with one offsider, setting the sheep down in (illegible text) paddocks.

It looks as if I may be here for a further two or three weeks, as there are more sheep to take to the new back paddocks & settle them down.

Alas a lot of them are weaners, the maddest things that ever grew wool. You could not have nicer people to work for than these, the rations are good & generous in quantity & mains water trucked to every bore for the hands. Tomorrow they expect to have 17 to dinner, 2 Thomsons, (illegible text) Taylor & 3 Lammonds, Norman & Beryl.