Page:Letter from Henry VIII to Cardinal Wolsey (sapienti pauca).jpg

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myne awne good cardinall I recomande me vnto yow as hartely as hart can thynke/ so it is that by cause wrytting to me is somwhat tedius and paynefull/ therfor the most part off thes bysynesses I haue comyttyd to our trusty coseler thys berrar to be declaryd to yow by mowthe to whyche we wolde you shulde gyff credens/ nevertheles to thys that folowith I thought not best to make hym pryue nor non other but yow and I whyche is that I wolde you shulde make good wache on the duke off suffolke on the duke off bukyngam on my lord off northe omberla on my lord off darby on my lord off wylshere and on others whyche yow thynke suspecte to see what they do wt thes nwes/ no more to yow at this tyme but sapienti pauca

wryttyne wt the hand off your louyng master

Henry R