Page:Letter from T.H. Barker to his wife Mary, 12 December 1903, p4.png

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I have to see here Baron (illegible text)'s sister, who is married to Major General something, Judge of the Court Martial court, evidently a great & powerful functionary. They say the Russians are courting the English just now.

Mr Groves has just told me of the narrow escape of our Queen—how delighted I am at the news. It would have been dreadful had she been burnt. The Russian Empress is better, & I hear the German Emperor is middling.

I will write you again to-morrow & when I must see Cooke the Foreign Office court agent.

I note all home news & wish best love to you all, am yours ever affect(illegible text) husband, Tom.

Mrs Barker
36 Judges Drive

PS I hope you have got the Japanese things. Parcels go by English mail via Suez; they are larger than standard(illegible text) letters.