Page:Letter from T.H. Barker to his wife Mary, 14 December 1903, p04.png

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four. I have bought four packages of post cards today. Moscow, St Petersburg, Russian peasants & Russian Military, from which you will get some notion of my surroundings. I hope to get away from St Petersburg on Saturday & should travel via Berlin, maybe there on Sunday. I expect to reach London on the 22nd & come down on the 23rd. I had better see Milne & tell him to go home for his X-mas holidays. You say he looks fagged & X’mas & New Year at home may do him good. I shall be some days before I settle to work, as I am (illegible text) on the (illegible text) with so much to do & see, & may feel reaction; therefore prepare all for X’mas without waiting to consult me, & get what money