We went into the city early the next morning, and I ordered the people to be prepared in case the inhabitants intended to perpetrate any treachery, so that we might not be surprised; I also cautioned Pedro de Al varado who was there. When we reached the market-place, I sent word to Quatamucin, telling him that I was waiting for him, but, it appeared he had determined not to come, but sent five of his nobles or chief lords of the city whose names, as it is not worth while, I do not give here. They came and told me that their lord had sent them to pray me to pardon him if he did not come, that he was greatly afraid to appear before me, and also that he was ill and that they had come hither to hear my commands, which they would obey; although the sovereign did not appear we rejoiced a great deal that these chiefs had come, as it seemed to us that here was now a way to reach a speedy end of the whole business. I received them with a show of gladness, and immediately ordered meat and drink to be given them, in partaking of which they showed their craving and need for it. When they had eaten, I told them to speak to their lord to persuade him not to be afraid, for I promised him that no annoyance would be offered him if he appeared before me, nor would he be detained, but that, without his presence, no good understanding could be reached, nor agreement made. I ordered some refreshments to be taken to him, and they promised me to do all that was in their power; and thus they departed. Two hours afterwards, they returned, and brought me some fine mantles of cotton, such as they use, and they told me that Quatamucin their lord would by no means come, and that he refused to discuss it. I again repeated to them that I did not know why he mistrusted me, inasmuch as he saw that to them whom I knew to be the principal promoters of the war, and who had sustained it, I nevertheless extended good treatment, allowing them to come and go in security without being
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Letters of Cortes