Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/168

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Letters of Cortes

means than to be an occasion of further expenses, and considering also the long time we have spent in the wars, and the necessities and debts caused thereby, and the delay attendant upon Your Majesty's decision in this case, and above all the many importunities of Your Majesty's officials and of all the Spaniards from which it was impossible to excuse myself, I found myself almost forced to place the chiefs and natives of these parts amongst the Spaniards, to recompense them for the services they have rendered to Your Majesty. Until something else is ordered or this confirmed, the said chiefs and natives serve and give each Spaniard to whom they are allotted the needful for his subsistence. This step was taken with the approbation of intelligent persons, who have had, and have, great experience of the country, for there was nothing else possible not only for the maintenance of the Spaniards but also for the preservation and good treatment of the Indian, as is shown in the more extensive relation which the procurators who now go from this New Spain will make to Your Majesty. The plantations and farms of Your Majesty have been established in the best and most convenient provinces and cities.

Most Catholic Lord, may God Our Lord preserve and augment the life and very royal person and powerful state of Your Caesarean Majesty with increase of much greater Kingdoms and Lordships, as your royal heart may desire. From the City of Cuyoacan of this New Spain of the Ocean Sea on the 15th of May, 1522. Most Powerful Lord, Your Caesarean Majesty's very humble servant and vassal who kisses the royal hands and feet of Your Majesty.

Fernando Cortes.