I told Your Majesty how, after the Indians of Temixtitan had expelled us by force, I had marched against the province of Tepeaca, one of its vassals which had rebelled against us, and that, with the Spaniards who remained, and our friendly Indians, I had made war on them, and reduced them to the service of Your Majesty. I also said that the past treachery and the great sufferings and deaths of the Spaniards were so fresh in our hearts, that my determination was to return against the inhabitants of that capital, who had been the cause of all; that I had begun to build thirteen brigantines, with which to do them all the damage I could from the lake, if they persevered in their wicked intention; that while the said brigantines were being made, and we and the friendly Indians were preparing ourselves to return against the enemy, I had sent for reinforcements of people, and horses, and artillery, and arms, to the island of Hispaniola, where I had written regarding it to Your Majesty's officials who reside there, sending them monies for the necessary outlay and expenses. I also assured Your Majesty that, till we were victorious over the enemy, I would neither think of rest, nor would I cease to use all possible solicitude to accomplish it, disregarding whatever danger and hardship might overtake me; and that with this determination I was preparing to leave the said province of Tepeaca.
I likewise made known to Your Majesty how a caravel, belonging to Francisco de Garay, Lieutenant Governor of the island of Jamaica, had arrived in great distress at the port of Vera Cruz, carrying about thirty men, who said that two other ships had sailed for the river of Panuco, where the natives had routed one of Francisco de Garay's captains; and it was feared if these landed there, that they would suffer injury from the natives along the said river. I likewise wrote to Your Majesty that I had immediately determined to send another