caravel in search of the said ships, to let them know what had happened.
After writing this, it pleased God that one of these ships should reach the port of Vera Cruz, on board of which there was a captain with about a hundred and twenty men. He learned there how Garay's former party had been routed. The captain who was routed assured them that they could not land at the river of Panuco without sustaining much harm from the Indians. While they still lay in the said port, with the determination to go to that river, a storm with violent wind arose which drove the ship out to sea, breaking the cables, and driving it into a port, called San Juan, twelve leagues higher up the coast, where, after disembarking all the people, and seven or eight horses, and as many mares which they had brought, they beached the ship, which leaked badly. As soon as this was made known to me, I wrote to the captain immediately, telling him that I was much grieved at what had happened to him, and that I had sent orders to my lieutenant at Vera Cruz that he and his people should be given a very good reception and whatever they might need, and also to ascertain their plans; and that, if all or any of them wished to return in the ships which were lying there, he should give them permission and facilitate their departure. The captain and his men determined to remain, and join me, but we know nothing about the other ships thus far, and, as so long a time has already elapsed, we much doubt of their being saved; may God have taken them to a good port!
Being about to leave the province of Tepeaca, I learned that two provinces, called Cecatami and Xalazingo, subject to the lord of Temixtitan, had rebelled, and on the road from the city of Vera Cruz thither, which passes that way, they had killed some Spaniards. To render that road secure, and to administer chastisement to them