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Fifth Letter

that there no longer existed between them the harmony necessary for the proper discharge of their respective functions with which I, in Your Majesty's name, had charged them. I took what seemed to me the required measures, which was to write them urgent reproofs for their conduct, even warning them that if they could not agree with one another and adopt different methods, I would provide a remedy which would please neither of them, and report the whole matter to Your Majesty. During my stay in the said town of Espiritu Santo, and while engaged in preparations for my journey, fresh letters came from the lieutenants and from other persons, reporting that their enmities still continued and were even increased; so much so that during one council meeting they had actually drawn their swords, thus causing a great scandal and commotion, not only amongst the Spaniards who armed themselves and took one side or the other, but even among the natives of the city who took up arms saying that the commotion justified them. Seeing therefore that my reproofs and warnings were not sufficient, and that I could not go myself to remedy the matter without abandoning my expedition, it seemed to me sufficient to send the factor and inspector who were with me, with equal powers to inquire into the cause of the dispute and pacify things; and I even gave them another secret power of attorney, enabling them to suspend both men from the charge which I had left them, if reasonable means did not suffice, and to assume the government themselves, together with the licenciate Alonzo de Zuazo, and to punish the offenders. I was quite convinced that the errand of the said factor and inspector would produce good results, and that they would succeed in pacifying the rival passions, so I went on my way with my mind at ease.

This being done I made a review of my forces which were to accompany me, and found that there were