Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/277

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Fifth Letter

Besides all this, I promised them that, on our return to Medellin, they would be well rewarded by me in Your Majesty's name. They promised me that they would work to that end, and they divided the task among them, and worked so hard and with such skill that, in less than four days, they constructed a fine bridge over which all the people and horses crossed; and, unless it is intentionally destroyed, which would have to be done by burning it, it will last for more than ten years, as more than one thousand beams were used, the smallest of them as big round as a man's body, and from nine to ten fathoms in length, without counting the smaller number. I certify to Your Majesty that I do not believe anyone capable of describing the system they displayed in building this bridge; I can only say that it is the most wonderful thing that has ever been seen.

All the people and horses having crossed to the other side of the lagoon, we came upon a great morass, two bow shots long, the most frightful thing men ever saw, where the unsaddled horses sank to their girths, and by their efforts to get out only sank deeper, so that we despaired of saving any of them or crossing ourselves; still we set to work, and, by putting bundles of herbs and branches under them, they could support themselves so as not to sink altogether, by which measure they were somewhat relieved. Thus we were engaged going backwards and forwards to the assistance of the horses, when a narrow channel of water and mud was discovered where the animals began to swim and advance a little, so that with our Lord's help they all came out safe though so exhausted from the exertion that they could scarcely stand on their legs. We gave many thanks to our Lord for His great mercy extended to us.

Just then the Spaniards whom I had sent to Acalan arrived with about eighty Indians from that province loaded with supplies of maize and birds, which God knows