for six days so as not to be again in such another strait as before. There being an abundance of everything, this was done, and, five leagues beyond a certain lagoon which we crossed, I met the four Spaniards who had explored the road with the guides; and they told me they had found a very good road, which, although it led through the heart of the forest, was level and without rivers or swamps to obstruct us, and that, without being seen themselves, they had reconnoitred some villages where they had seen people, and had then returned. I rejoiced greatly at this news, and sent six active foot soldiers ahead with some Indians, our friends, to keep always a league in advance of those who were opening the road, with orders that if they should meet any traveller, to seize him so that we might arrive in the provinces unexpected, for I wished to prevent the people from burning and deserting their towns as those before them had done.
That day, they found two Indians, natives of Acalan, near a lake, who said they were coming from Mazatlan where they had traded salt for cotton clothing, which indeed appeared, in a measure, to be true, for they were loaded with clothing. When brought before me, and asked if the people of that province knew about my coming, they answered no, saying that they were all perfectly quiet; so I told them they must return with me, and not to be disturbed as they would lose nothing of what they carried, but that, on the contrary, I would give them more, and that upon our arrival at that province they might return, for I was a great friend of all the natives of Acalan, and had received great kindness from its lord and people. They were quite willing to do this, and returned, guiding us by another road than the one first opened by my Spaniards, which led only to some plantations, whereas theirs led directly to the towns.
We passed that night in the forest, and, the next day, the Spaniards who went ahead as scouts met four natives