I entered a boat with two Franciscan friars, whom I always took with me, and about ten servants of mine; and thus we went on land where the people of the town were in the square awaiting me. As I neared shore, they all rushed into the sea and lifting me out of the boat they carried me to the town and church with every demonstration of welcome. After having given thanks to our Lord, they prayed me to stop and hear their account of all that had transpired, for they feared that in consequence of misrepresentations which might have been made to me, I might be vexed with them, and they wished me to know the truth before I judged them. I assented to this and their priest rose and spoke to me as follows: —
Sir, you know how all, or almost all, of us who are here, were sent from New Spain under your captain Cristobal de
History of
Olid to se "ttle and populate this country in the name of His Majesty, and that you ordered us to obey the commands of the said Cristobal de Olid as though they were your own. Thus, we left for the island of Cuba, where we were to take in some provisions and horses that were still requisite; and, having arrived at Havana, which is a port of the said island, he exchanged letters with Diego Velasquez and His Majesty's officers residing there, who sent him some more people. After we were provisioned with what we required, all of which was provided through your agent, Alonzo de Contreros, we left the island and continued our voyage.
Omitting some incidents of our voyage, too tedious to be related, we landed on this coast, fourteen leagues below the port of Caballos, where the said captain Cristobal de Olid took possession for your worship, and in the name of His Majesty, establishing a town with its alcaldes and municipal officers, who had already been nominated at the outset. He executed certain official acts regarding the possession and laying out of the town, acting in the name of your worship and as your captain and lieutenant. Some days later, how-