treated and maintained in justice, while those who rebelled would be punished. I told them many other things to this purpose, which I do not repeat here on account of their small importance, and to avoid annoying Your Majesty by too much writing.
I gave these messengers some small presents which they esteem, although with us they are of little value, and they took their leave very content. Soon after, in response to my request, they returned with provisions and people to clear the site of the town, which was situated on a great mountain. None of their chiefs, however, came to visit me; but I took no notice of this, treating the matter of their coming as quite indifferent to me, though I requested them to send messengers to all the neighbouring towns to publish what I had told them, asking the people to come to help in settling that town, all of which they did. So, within a few days, fifteen or sixteen towns, or rather independent lordships, in that vicinity came, with many demonstrations of good will, offering themselves as vassals and subjects of Your Highness, and bringing people to help clear the ground for the town, as well as with provisions to sustain us until the assistance arrived with the ships I had sent to the Islands.
At this time, I sent the three ships I had with me, besides another one which afterwards came, and which I bought, to carry all the invalids to the ports
Fate of the
Four Ships
of New Spain; and with the first I wrote fully to Your Majesty's officers whom I had left in command there, as well as to the municipalities, giving them an account of what I had done, and saying that I was obliged to absent myself somewhat longer in these parts; praying and charging them to fulfil the duties of their offices, and giving them my advice upon certain matters. I ordered this ship to return by way of Cozumel, which was on the route,