Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/351

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Fifth Letter

commodities and provisions from Spain, which could easily be obtained at the settlements I had made on that coast. The said bachelor had written to them, saying that all the settlers in the country acknowledged the authority of the audiencia, and that he would soon return with people and provisions. I answered them that I would give orders for the settlements to furnish them with everything they needed and to trade amicably with them, as both were equally vassals of Your Majesty and employed in Your Royal service; and that it was to be well understood that this was to continue as long as they obeyed their governor, as was their duty, but not otherwise. Since they told me that what they most required was horseshoes and iron tools for working in the mines, I sent two mules loaded with such things to take back with them, and, when they arrived at the settlement of Hernando de Sandoval,[1] he also gave them two more mules loaded with horseshoes which I had there.

After they left, some natives from the Province of Huilacho, sixty-five leagues from Trujillo, who had previously sent messengers and offered themselves as vassals to Your Majesty, came to see me, and told me that twenty-five horsemen and forty foot soldiers, with many Indians of other provinces, had invaded their country, and were engaged in outraging and injuring them, taking away their wives and children, and robbing them of their goods and chattels. They entreated me to assist them in as much as, when they had become my friends, I had promised to defend them against their enemies. Afterwards, my cousin, Hernando de Sandoval, whom I had left as my lieutenant in those parts, and who was at that time pacifying the provinces of Papayeca, sent me two of those very men of whom the Indians had come to complain. They said they came by order of their captain to search for the town of Trujillo,

  1. Should be Gonzalo de Sandoval.