Creator, and converting many natives to His knowledge by planting the true Catholic Faith in this land. If they are not prevented by those who look upon these things with evil eyes, and whose zeal is directed to other ends, a new Church will very certainly be raised shortly in these parts, where God, our Lord, will be better served and honoured than anywhere else in the world. I repeat, that, if Your Majesty will grant me ten millions of revenue in your realms, and allow me to serve you in Spain, I shall consider it a great favour, even leaving behind all I possess here; for thus my desire to serve Your Majesty in Your Royal presence will be satisfied, and Your High ness will likewise be convinced of my loyalty and zeal.
The other reason for wishing to appear before Your Majesty is that I may give information respecting the state of this country, and even of the Islands, which will advance the service of God, our Lord, and of Your Majesty; for, on the spot, my words, would be believed, which is not the case respecting what I write from here, as what I say has been attributed to my interested motives and not to my zeal as a vassal of Your Sacred Majesty.
My desire to kiss the Royal feet of Your Sacred Majesty, and to be promoted to serve in Your Royal Presence is beyond all expression. If Your Highness be not pleased to allow this, or deems it inopportune to grant me the favour I beg, by allowing me a set yearly income to support me at Court, I pray Your Highness to allow me to retain in this country what I now possess here, or what my agents will beseech Your Majesty, in my name, granting it as a perpetual pension for myself and my heirs, so that I may not be obliged to return to Spain, asking people for God's sake to give me food. I shall consider it a great boon if Your Majesty will grant what I so fervently desire, for I trust in my service and in the Catholic conscience of Your Sacred Majesty and that,