A | ||
Acahuilguin, lord of Acuculin, II, | 280 | |
Acalan, province of, II, | 256ff | |
description of, | 263 | |
Acolhuacan, I, | 247 | |
Acolman, II, | 56 | |
disturbance between Captains at, | 63 | |
Acuculin, province of, II, | 280 | |
arrival at, | 282 | |
Adelantado, note on, II, | 169 | |
Agoes, note on, II, | 243 | |
Aguilar, Jeronimo de, I, | 143, 144 | |
Aguilar, Marcos de, succeeds Ponce de Leon as commissioner, | 151 | |
Cortes reports on, II | 341 | |
Aiutecatl, I, | 31 | |
Alaman, Lucas, account of concealment of Cortes's remains, I, | 7off | |
Alaminos, Anton de, note on, I, | 127 | |
Alango, Fortunio de, II, | 349 | |
Albornoz, Rodrigo de, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 361ff | |
Alderete, Julian de, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, | 40 | |
at Tacuba, | 51 | |
urges attack on the marketplace, | 91 | |
altercation with Cortes, | 97 | |
Almeria, I, | 192 | |
Altamirano, Fray Diego de, cousin of Cortes, his despatches, II | 331 | |
Alvarado, Pedro de, sent back to Cuba by Grijalba I, | 17 | |
disobedience of, | 25 | |
massacres Mexican nobles, | 284, 350 | |
note on, II, | 60 | |
quarrels with Olid, | 63 | |
disastrous repulse of, | 87ff | |
assault on the market-place by, | 115 | |
expedition to Tututepeque, 142ff sent to Guatemala, | 178 | |
negotiations with Ovalle, | 182 | |
departs for Tehuantepec, | 196 | |
in Guatemala, | 332 | |
Amazons, legendary island of, II, | 177, 178 | |
Amecameca, I, | 228 | |
Amohan, lord of Checan, II, | 276 | |
Animals, Mexican, I, 161 Apaspolon, chief of Acalan, II, | 256 | |
deceives Cortes, | 258 | |
his wealth, | 264 | |
Apolochic, river, II, | 299 | |
Aqueducts, description of, I, | 262 | |
destruction of, II, | 64 | |
Armada, vessels of Cortes's, I, | 155 | |
of Narvaez, | 272 | |
Ascension, bay of, I, 133 Atzcapotzalco, note on, II, | 34 | |
Avila, Pedrarius de, note on, I, | 125 | |
note on, II, | 231 | |
troubles in his colony, | 328 | |
Axucutaco, province of, II, | 322 | |
Ayachapichtla, battle of, II, 38 Ay lion, Vasquez de, note on, I, | 274 | |
B | ||
Bacallaos, note on, II, | 207 | |
Balboa, Nunez de, discovers Pacific Ocean, I, | 15 | |
death of, II, 232 Banner, Cortes's, I, | 203 | |
Barbo, Pedro, mortally wounded, II, | 88 | |
Barrientos, Hernando de, his letter to from Chinantla II, | 57 | |
Bees, varieties of, I, | 145 | |
Bono de Quejo, Juan, his mission, II, | 166 | |
Brigantines, building of, I, | 320 | |
progress of, II, | 7 | |
transported from Tlascala, | 31ff | |
launching of, | 59 | |
first action of, | 66ff | |
one captured by Mexicans, | 88, 99 | |
Burgos, Bishop of, note on, II, | 166, 167 |