Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/391

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Acahuilguin, lord of Acuculin, II, 280
Acalan, province of, II, 256ff
description of, 263
Acolhuacan, I, 247
Acolman, II, 56
disturbance between Captains at, 63
Acuculin, province of, II, 280
arrival at, 282
Adelantado, note on, II, 169
Agoes, note on, II, 243
Aguilar, Jeronimo de, I, 143, 144
Aguilar, Marcos de, succeeds Ponce de Leon as commissioner, 151
Cortes reports on, II 341
Aiutecatl, I, 31
Alaman, Lucas, account of concealment of Cortes's remains, I, 7off
Alaminos, Anton de, note on, I, 127
Alango, Fortunio de, II, 349
Albornoz, Rodrigo de, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 361ff
Alderete, Julian de, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, 40
at Tacuba, 51
urges attack on the marketplace, 91
altercation with Cortes, 97
Almeria, I, 192
Altamirano, Fray Diego de, cousin of Cortes, his despatches, II 331
Alvarado, Pedro de, sent back to Cuba by Grijalba I, 17
disobedience of, 25
massacres Mexican nobles, 284, 350
note on, II, 60
quarrels with Olid, 63
disastrous repulse of, 87ff
assault on the market-place by, 115
expedition to Tututepeque, 142ff sent to Guatemala, 178
negotiations with Ovalle, 182
departs for Tehuantepec, 196
in Guatemala, 332
Amazons, legendary island of, II, 177, 178
Amecameca, I, 228
Amohan, lord of Checan, II, 276
Animals, Mexican, I, 161 Apaspolon, chief of Acalan, II, 256
deceives Cortes, 258
his wealth, 264
Apolochic, river, II, 299
Aqueducts, description of, I, 262
destruction of, II, 64
Armada, vessels of Cortes's, I, 155
of Narvaez, 272
Ascension, bay of, I, 133 Atzcapotzalco, note on, II, 34
Avila, Pedrarius de, note on, I, 125
note on, II, 231
troubles in his colony, 328
Axucutaco, province of, II, 322
Ayachapichtla, battle of, II, 38 Ay lion, Vasquez de, note on, I, 274
Bacallaos, note on, II, 207
Balboa, Nunez de, discovers Pacific Ocean, I, 15
death of, II, 232 Banner, Cortes's, I, 203
Barbo, Pedro, mortally wounded, II, 88
Barrientos, Hernando de, his letter to from Chinantla II, 57
Bees, varieties of, I, 145
Bono de Quejo, Juan, his mission, II, 166
Brigantines, building of, I, 320
progress of, II, 7
transported from Tlascala, 31ff
launching of, 59
first action of, 66ff
one captured by Mexicans, 88, 99
Burgos, Bishop of, note on, II, 166, 167