Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/394

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Fernando, Don, King of Texcoco, II, 21, 22
election of, 25
supplies reinforcements to Cortes, 77, 78
note on, 78
death of, 146
note on, 146
Figueroa, Rodrigo de, I, 320
Fonseca, Juan de, note on, II, 166, 167
Gallego, Pedro, captured at Tacuba, II, 50, 55
Garay, Francisco de, note on, I, 191
first expedition to Mexico, 192ff
disastrous expedition of, 307
his men at Panuco, 321
arrival in Panuco, II, 179ff
note on his expedition and death, 180-81
defection of his men, 186
death of, 190
Gomara, Francisco de, chaplain of Cortes, I, 10
version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, 11ff
life and writings, 108
Gonzalez, Gil, in Honduras, II, 308ff
Grijalba, Juan de, captain of Velasquez's first expedition, I, 16, 131
his discoveries, 17
returns to Cuba, 18, 136
note on, 131
river so named, 135
imprisoned at Santestevan del Puerto, II, 185
Guajocingo, I, 226
Guanajos, Los, islands of, II, 332ff
Guatemala, messenger to Cortes from, II, 178
Guevara, Santiago de, death of, II, 349
Guzman, Cristobal de, II, 96
Guzman, Gonzalo de, I, 131
Guzman, Nunez de, governor of Panuco, I, 51
proceeds against Cortes, 56
note on his atrocities, II, 352
Hanega explained, I, 244
Hernandez, Alonzo, captured at Xochimilco, II, 50
Hernandez, Francisco, at Naco, II, 328
Hererra, Antonio de, life and writings, I, 116
Honduras, expedition sent by Cortes to, II, 194ff
note on name, 229
Holquin, Garci, captures Quauhtemotzin, II, 127
note on, 128
Huaquechula, I, 309
capture of, 311
description of, 314
Huaxtepec, II, 37
Huexothla, II, 14
Hueyothlipan, I, 302
Huilacho, outrages in, II, 329
Huisuco, II, 100
Huititla, island of, II, 333
Huitzilopochtli, I, 348
Icazbalceta, Manuel Garcia, his writings, I, 118
Idols, description of, I, 262
destruction of, 345ff
Impilcingo, expedition to, II, 176
Ixhuacan, I, 195
Ixtacmaxtitlan, I, 197
Ixtlilxochitl, joins Cortes, II, 13
note on, 78
conduct during the siege, 78
Iztapalapan, description of, I, 230
destruction of, II, 18
Iztapan, march to, II, 242
Izzucan, I, 315
disputed succession at, 316, 317
Jamaica, I, 141
Jeronymite Fathers, applied to by Velesquez, I, 18, 131
note on, 129
Judges, Aztec, I, 259
Julian, captured by Cordoba, I, 16
interprets for Cortes, 25
Lakes of Chalco and Texcoco, I, 256
Languages, note on Indian, II, 299
Lara, Juan de, captured at Xochimilco, II, 50
Las Casas, Bastolomé de, version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, I, 9ff
life and writings, 114
Las Casas, Francisco de, hostilities against Olid in Honduras, II, 309ff