Fernando, Don, King of Texcoco, II, | 21, 22 | |
election of, | 25 | |
supplies reinforcements to Cortes, | 77, 78 | |
note on, | 78 | |
death of, | 146 | |
note on, | 146 | |
Figueroa, Rodrigo de, I, | 320 | |
Fonseca, Juan de, note on, II, | 166, 167 | |
G | ||
Gallego, Pedro, captured at Tacuba, II, | 50, 55 | |
Garay, Francisco de, note on, I, | 191 | |
first expedition to Mexico, | 192ff | |
disastrous expedition of, | 307 | |
his men at Panuco, | 321 | |
arrival in Panuco, II, | 179ff | |
note on his expedition and death, | 180-81 | |
defection of his men, | 186 | |
death of, | 190 | |
Gomara, Francisco de, chaplain of Cortes, I, | 10 | |
version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, | 11ff | |
life and writings, | 108 | |
Gonzalez, Gil, in Honduras, II, | 308ff | |
Grijalba, Juan de, captain of Velasquez's first expedition, I, | 16, 131 | |
his discoveries, | 17 | |
returns to Cuba, | 18, 136 | |
note on, | 131 | |
river so named, | 135 | |
imprisoned at Santestevan del Puerto, II, | 185 | |
Guajocingo, I, | 226 | |
Guanajos, Los, islands of, II, | 332ff | |
Guatemala, messenger to Cortes from, II, | 178 | |
Guevara, Santiago de, death of, II, | 349 | |
Guzman, Cristobal de, II, | 96 | |
Guzman, Gonzalo de, I, | 131 | |
Guzman, Nunez de, governor of Panuco, I, | 51 | |
proceeds against Cortes, | 56 | |
note on his atrocities, II, | 352 | |
H | ||
Hanega explained, I, | 244 | |
Hernandez, Alonzo, captured at Xochimilco, II, | 50 | |
Hernandez, Francisco, at Naco, II, | 328 | |
Hererra, Antonio de, life and writings, I, | 116 | |
Honduras, expedition sent by Cortes to, II, | 194ff | |
note on name, | 229 | |
Holquin, Garci, captures Quauhtemotzin, II, | 127 | |
note on, | 128 | |
Huaquechula, I, | 309 | |
capture of, | 311 | |
description of, | 314 | |
Huaxtepec, II, | 37 | |
Huexothla, II, | 14 | |
Hueyothlipan, I, | 302 | |
Huilacho, outrages in, II, | 329 | |
Huisuco, II, | 100 | |
Huititla, island of, II, | 333 | |
Huitzilopochtli, I, | 348 | |
I | ||
Icazbalceta, Manuel Garcia, his writings, I, | 118 | |
Idols, description of, I, | 262 | |
destruction of, | 345ff | |
Impilcingo, expedition to, II, | 176 | |
Ixhuacan, I, | 195 | |
Ixtacmaxtitlan, I, | 197 | |
Ixtlilxochitl, joins Cortes, II, | 13 | |
note on, | 78 | |
conduct during the siege, | 78 | |
Iztapalapan, description of, I, | 230 | |
destruction of, II, | 18 | |
Iztapan, march to, II, | 242 | |
Izzucan, I, | 315 | |
disputed succession at, | 316, 317 | |
J | ||
Jamaica, I, | 141 | |
Jeronymite Fathers, applied to by Velesquez, I, | 18, 131 | |
note on, | 129 | |
Judges, Aztec, I, | 259 | |
Julian, captured by Cordoba, I, | 16 | |
interprets for Cortes, | 25 | |
L | ||
Lakes of Chalco and Texcoco, I, | 256 | |
Languages, note on Indian, II, | 299 | |
Lara, Juan de, captured at Xochimilco, II, | 50 | |
Las Casas, Bastolomé de, version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, I, | 9ff | |
life and writings, | 114 | |
Las Casas, Francisco de, hostilities against Olid in Honduras, II, | 309ff |