Olid, Cristobal de, lands at Cozumel, I, | 17 | |
position during the siege, II, | 61 | |
hostilities at Coyohuacan, | 65 | |
sent to Honduras, | 179 | |
his departure, | 194 | |
note on, | 194, 195 | |
history of his rebellion, | 308ff | |
execution of, | 310 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his rebellion, | 361ff | |
Ordaz, Diego de, ascends Popocatapetl, I, | 224 | |
note on, II, | 159 | |
Orizaba, volcano of, I, | 161 | |
note on, II, | 146 | |
Orozco y Berra, Manuel, Historia Antiqua, I, | 117 | |
Otomies, join Cortes, note on, II, | 79 | |
seek assistance, | 103 | |
Otumba, Battle of, I, | 300, 301 | |
messengers from, II, | 20 | |
Ovando, Nicolas de, appointed governor of Hispaniola, I, | 4 | |
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernandez de, life and writings, I, | 111 | |
P | ||
Palmas, Rio de las, note on, II, | 352 | |
Palos, note on, I, | 127 | |
Panuco, I, | 308 | |
rebellion in, II, | 190ff | |
Papayeca, town of, II, | 317 | |
Pasquinades, on the treasure, II, | 153 | |
Paz, Rodrigo de, imprisoned in Mexico, II, | 322 | |
execution of, | 362 | |
Peace, first overtures for, II, | 105 | |
renewed proposals for, | 120 | |
Penn, William, ghostly dialogue with Cortes, I, | 39 | |
Perez, Alonzo, with Cortes at Tacuba, II, | 51 | |
Peten-Itza, Cortes arrives at, II, | 269ff | |
note on, | 270 | |
deified horse at, | 274 | |
Pinzon, Vicente Yañez, I, | 133 | |
Pitzacura, capture of, II, | 326 | |
death of, | 327 | |
Plot, to murder Cortes, II, | 144 | |
note on, | 145 | |
Ponce de Leon, Juan, discovers Florida, I, | 15 | |
note on, II, | 106 | |
Ponce de Leon, Luis, sent as commissioner to Mexico, I, | 50 | |
arrival and note on, II, | 337ff | |
death of, | 340 | |
Popocatapetl, described, I, | 223 | |
Prescott, William H., notice of his conquest of Mexico, I, | 117 | |
Priests, Aztec, I, | 259 | |
Provincials, first named for religious Orders, II, | 216 | |
Puertocarrero, Alonzo Hernandez, I, | 160, 180 | |
Puerto del Alabastro, named by Cortes, II, | 269 | |
Pulque, I, | 258 | |
Q | ||
Quauhpopoca, I, | 236ff | |
his death, | 241 | |
Quauhtemotzin, sends force against Chalco, II, | 39 | |
conduct during the siege, | 97 | |
refusals to make peace, | 120ff | |
capture of, | 127 | |
torture of, | 128 | |
death of, II, | 260ff | |
note on, | 262 | |
Quetzalcoatl, note on, I, | 340 | |
temple of, | 347 | |
Quinones, Antonio de, II, | 95 | |
Quintero, Alonzo, captain of ship in which Cortes first sailed, I, | 5 | |
R | ||
Rangel, Rodrigo, sent against the Zapotecas, II, | 198 | |
Requirement addressed to Cortes, I, | 157 | |
formality explained, | 177 | |
Residencia, note on, I, | 169 | |
Robertson, William, opinion of Cortes's letters, I, | 101 | |
works referred to, | 118 | |
Roche, Gaspard, stands surety for colonists, II, | 313 | |
Rodelas, explained, I, | 134 | |
Rojas, Gabriel de, expedition of, II, | 330 | |
Ruano, Juan, intrigues in Honduras, II, | 313ff | |
S | ||
Saavedra, Hernando de, lieutenant, in Honduras, II, | 323 | |
Sacrifices, human, I, | 164, 181 | |
number of victims, | 345 | |
Spaniards sacrificed, II, | 88 | |
note on, | 97ff | |
in Acalan, | 258 | |
Salazar, Gonzalo de, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 361 | |
Salt, note on, I, | 208 | |
San Andres, note on name, II, | 290 |