Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/396

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Olid, Cristobal de, lands at Cozumel, I, 17
position during the siege, II, 61
hostilities at Coyohuacan, 65
sent to Honduras, 179
his departure, 194
note on, 194, 195
history of his rebellion, 308ff
execution of, 310
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his rebellion, 361ff
Ordaz, Diego de, ascends Popocatapetl, I, 224
note on, II, 159
Orizaba, volcano of, I, 161
note on, II, 146
Orozco y Berra, Manuel, Historia Antiqua, I, 117
Otomies, join Cortes, note on, II, 79
seek assistance, 103
Otumba, Battle of, I, 300, 301
messengers from, II, 20
Ovando, Nicolas de, appointed governor of Hispaniola, I, 4
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernandez de, life and writings, I, 111
Palmas, Rio de las, note on, II, 352
Palos, note on, I, 127
Panuco, I, 308
rebellion in, II, 190ff
Papayeca, town of, II, 317
Pasquinades, on the treasure, II, 153
Paz, Rodrigo de, imprisoned in Mexico, II, 322
execution of, 362
Peace, first overtures for, II, 105
renewed proposals for, 120
Penn, William, ghostly dialogue with Cortes, I, 39
Perez, Alonzo, with Cortes at Tacuba, II, 51
Peten-Itza, Cortes arrives at, II, 269ff
note on, 270
deified horse at, 274
Pinzon, Vicente Yañez, I, 133
Pitzacura, capture of, II, 326
death of, 327
Plot, to murder Cortes, II, 144
note on, 145
Ponce de Leon, Juan, discovers Florida, I, 15
note on, II, 106
Ponce de Leon, Luis, sent as commissioner to Mexico, I, 50
arrival and note on, II, 337ff
death of, 340
Popocatapetl, described, I, 223
Prescott, William H., notice of his conquest of Mexico, I, 117
Priests, Aztec, I, 259
Provincials, first named for religious Orders, II, 216
Puertocarrero, Alonzo Hernandez, I, 160, 180
Puerto del Alabastro, named by Cortes, II, 269
Pulque, I, 258
Quauhpopoca, I, 236ff
his death, 241
Quauhtemotzin, sends force against Chalco, II, 39
conduct during the siege, 97
refusals to make peace, 120ff
capture of, 127
torture of, 128
death of, II, 260ff
note on, 262
Quetzalcoatl, note on, I, 340
temple of, 347
Quinones, Antonio de, II, 95
Quintero, Alonzo, captain of ship in which Cortes first sailed, I, 5
Rangel, Rodrigo, sent against the Zapotecas, II, 198
Requirement addressed to Cortes, I, 157
formality explained, 177
Residencia, note on, I, 169
Robertson, William, opinion of Cortes's letters, I, 101
works referred to, 118
Roche, Gaspard, stands surety for colonists, II, 313
Rodelas, explained, I, 134
Rojas, Gabriel de, expedition of, II, 330
Ruano, Juan, intrigues in Honduras, II, 313ff
Saavedra, Hernando de, lieutenant, in Honduras, II, 323
Sacrifices, human, I, 164, 181
number of victims, 345
Spaniards sacrificed, II, 88
note on, 97ff
in Acalan, 258
Salazar, Gonzalo de, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 361
Salt, note on, I, 208
San Andres, note on name, II, 290