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wish to have, ;i circumstantial accounl of .-ill proceedings, &c:, at this particular time. It' I have omitted any material circumstance, its be- cause I was never acquainted with it. Have endeavor'd to give vou a diurnal account, ami where occurrences have fail'd to embellish the day, have presum'd to afford you a treal of my own lucubrations.

Am this instanl interrupted by a chace of four soldiers after a deserter through the market. He proves to belong to the 65 th, and left 'cm two or three years since. He seems to be a smart, stoul fellow, dress'd in a short jacket and long trousers. Am amaz'd he should In- x> stupid as to appear in so publick a place. They have lug'd him n]i to the camp, from whence they will send him to his regi- ment, where 1 suppose a thousand lashes at leasl will he his portion.

August 21st. This evening two officers of the 38th were very severely drub'd for going into a house in Pleasant street and ill-using two women, whose husbands happen'd to he at home: whereby one of the officers got a contusion on his head from the stroke of a pistol, apply'd by a son of Vulcan; who followed him, took away his sword ami broke it. while the other was feeling the effects of an injur'd husband's rage. They then both went and press'd a complaint to Lord l'eny : what satisfaction he gave 'em, cant learn, hut from his disposi- tion to punish every misbehaviour, either in officers or soldiers, am perswaded he will do them justice.

August 22nd. The arrival of a vessel into Marblehead from Fal- mouth afforded us some few articles of intelligence that were rather encouraging than otherways. The arrival of Hutchinson, with thejtrst news of a Union of the Colonies being likely to take place, must be productive of some good; and then, for every succeeding vessel to give 'em a fresh dose, must he too powerful for my Lord North, and I fancy the operation will produce strong convulsion-, if not a total deprivation of his political existence. However uncertain the dependance, yet am pleas'd that the popular clamour has turn'd in our fax or.

August 23rd. Notwithstanding the 59th Regiment, with part of the 64th, are quarter'd at Salem, yet they had a town meeting yester- day, in contempt of the Act of Parliament, and without leave from the Governor, though he was then in the town; when they chose five dele-ate- for a county meeting, for the laudable purpose of settling dis- putes without having recourse to law. Which spirit prevails through the province, for Daniel Leonard, one of the new Councellors, belong- ing to Taunton, has return'd to town this morning, as the day he got home they muster'd from all the towns around to pay him a vi/it, when

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