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at the North End. When he told 'em be came for satisfaction and ii"t i" be treated ill. they then ask'd him what satisfaction a rebel can expect, and who were those he had gol with him? He told them they were his evidences, with their names. ••What!" said they — "a sod of that dam'd rebel at the- North of the town: A pretty affair indeed, t<> bring a rebel as an evidence." After -nine other altercation he came off*, ami was oblig'd to put up with the treatment. Now, if this i- tli.' game they are going to play, we shall be in a fine situation all winter, especially when the others come, as without doubt the larger their numbers the more insolent they'll lie.

Havejusl parted with young IJarher, who came from the Camp a few minutes before, as his father had complain'd to the General in re- gard to the reflections cast 11)1011 him. who had been to the Camp with them to examine into the matter, but it seems that the Officers denied that ever they had -aid anything of the kind. So that Brown is as far from getting satisfaction as before, though his partner, as well -as young Barber, are ready to give their oaths that they not only said as above bul that they told Brown, that the Soldier was a Letter man than he. and that he did right to eall Mm a Rebel, and further told the Soldier that if he call'd a hundred of yl Boston people Rebels, he would he right in regard to ninety nine of them.

At a town meeting this morning they made choice of y'. same Members that serv'd the last court, and what's most extraordinary, they all had every vote, save Mr. Adams, who was only one defi- cient. After which, they went upon other business, and are now at 4 o'clock p.m. proceeding as formerly upon the town's business, without let or molestation from the Governour, though they conven'd the meeting without application for leave of him.

Captain Scott arriv'd yesterday at Salem in 7 weeks from London. He has brought a quantity of powder, which comes very seasonably at this time, as it's now five or six weeks since the Governor has al- lowed any to be taken out of the magazine here, whereby for some weeks there has not been a pound to be sold or bought in town. lie has likewise brought the Bell for Doctor Cooper's Meeting, which weighs 29 cwt. — the gift of the Hon. John Hancock. Esquire.

22nd. The town meeting continued through this day without interruption, when, among other matters transacted, they ap- pointed Doctor Warren and Nath. Appleton a- temporary members for the provincial Congress, via Messrs. Adams and Cushing; for they immagine that no business will he done by the General Court

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