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Ot ' ■ <• Vfi. Yesterday afternoon our honorable and ancienl Artillery company turn'd out, and for want of a better place they march'd down to Cop's hill, where they went through their several manoeuvres to the satisfaction of every one, and really made a much more respectable appearance than they formerly us'd to. Their fifes and drums, when Dear the hill, alarra'd the Lively, which lays near the ferry : and when they had gol upon the bill, in sight of the Ship, the Boatswain's whistle call'd all hands upon deck, the marines with their firelocks were fix'd upon the quarter, the ports open'd with a Bpring upon their cables, the round lops man'd, and a boal man'd and sent out upon each side to reconnoitre. Such was the terror they were in. from the appearance of about fifty pompions in arms. At aboul five o'clock they remarched into Kingstreet, where they per- form'd their evolutions with the greatest propriety and exactness ; much more so, in my opinion, than any performances of the troops since thcy'\ e been here.

October 5th. The dispositions of the people in the Country are in general so restless, that they are continually sending Committees down upon one errand or other — which has caus'd the Governor to say, that he can do very well with the Boston Selectmen, but the damn'd country committees plague his soul out, as they are very obstinate and hard to be satisfied. This day a deputation of twelve came to town with a very spirited remonstrance from the body of Worcester Comity, which consists of five and forty town-; where they have incorporated seven regiments consisting of a thousand men each, chose their officers, and turn out twice a week to perfect them- selves in the military art — which are call'd minute nun. i.e., to be reads at a minute's warning with a fortnight's provision, and amnni- tion and arms.

At Newbury bridge they have got an Old Man fix'd with a drum, who, as soon as he observes a Government man enter, parades with his drum beating and proclaims through the town "a tory come to town." &ca.

October 6th. A Committee is expected in town some time today, from the general assembly to his excellency, who are met at Salem, notwithstanding the governor's prorogation, among whom a number of the old Constitutional Councellors are conven'd. Yesterday met at Plymouth, the body of that county, to the number of about four thou- sand, when they proceeded to make all the addressors and protestors there make a publick recantation. After which, they attempted to

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