lose patience in taking so much trouble about me for so long a time; the God of truth and of justice will reward you for it.
The Commissioners during several days wished to confide my affair to twelve or thirteen head lawyers. I refused to consent to it. But, after having written my answers to the forty-five articles of Wycliffe, as well as to those of my own, which are alleged against me, I wrote with my own hand a protest, by which I declared that I wished to appear before the whole Council, and there up hold my faith. In it will be seen the articles which have been falsely extracted from my treatise on The Church, being added to and taken from, as well as the answer which I wrote in prison, without the assistance of any book.
I have never in my life found in my misfortune a more cruel comforter than Paletz.
All the clerks of the Pope’s chamber, as well as my keepers, treat me with great attention. The Lord delivered Jonas from the belly of the whale; Daniel from the lion’s den; the three young men from the fiery furnace: and Susanna from the sentence of false witnesses; he can also deliver me, if it should promote his glory and the preaching of his word; if, on the contrary, my death is agreeable to the Lord, let God’s name be blessed. If, at least, I was permitted to see only once the Emperor with our Bohemians, I should be consoled in my affliction.
I rejoiced in the news which I have received; truly