precious gifts. I maintain, at the same time, against several together, an attack more vigorous in its nature and more terrible. I, however, can declare, that, having placed my trust in Jesus Christ, I shall adhere to the truth, even unto death, with the aid of the saints and his own.
If the Lord John of Chlum suffers any loss on my account, do thou, my dear Peter, take thought to repair it when thou shalt have returned. Pay attention to the master of the mint, and his wife, who imprudently engaged themselves for me, and to all our other friends, known to the Curé, my disciple. If any horse remains still my property, it ought to come into the possession of Lord John, with the car.
As to thee, if Master Martin or Master Christian live, thou shalt receive from them a part of the sixty-four or seventy pieces of money; and I wish that this portion were larger. Bear in mind, however, that I do not pretend, by this money, to recompense thy ardent and unchangeable love for the truth, or the services that thou hast rendered me, and the consolations which thou hast lavished on me in my hours of difficulty. May God be thy great recompense for all these things, for I possess nothing that is worthy of thy acceptance. Should it be granted me to live at Prague; and if my return to that city is not impossible, I would share every thing with thee like a brother. I do not, however, form any wish