want any testimonies for any of the articles, assign witnesses. The most important article is that entitled All that a virtuous man does, he does virtuously.
I am suffering from a toothach, and during the heat have been seized with vomitings of blood. I suffered also from the stone and headach. These are punishments for my sins, and signs of God’s love. Since they have condemned my treatises, I pray you to suppress the last letter written in Bohemian, which I sent to-day, in order that the people of God should not believe that all my books are condemned, as I was afraid of, from a letter I received yesterday.
It would be desirable that no letter written in this prison should be known; for what God intends to do with me is still very uncertain. I fear that Ulric may have published some of my letters. I conjure you, therefore, in God’s name, to pay the greatest attention to the letters—to your words and acts. Oh! how much I was consoled by receiving your letters, and in writing you mine! I hope, with the grace of God, that men may one day derive instruction from them.
As long as I know you remain with the young Seigniors at Constance, I shall be comforted, even though I should be already condemned to death. I regard it as certain that God has bestowed you on me, as angels to strengthen and console me,—me, a weak and unfortunate man, in the midst of my temptations. What they have