been, what they are, and will still be, the Almighty God knows. He who has compassion on me, He who is my refuge, my support, and my deliverer, in Him have I placed my trust.
Two delegates of the Council asked me in prison, “If I possessed several books which I had made use of in my researches?” I answered, that “I possessed them.” They asked me, “Where?” “In Bohemia,” I replied. They inquired of me, “Whether I had none here?” I denied having any, which is the fact, although I had previously brought with me the book of Sentences, the Bible, and some other works. I learned from them that John, my pupil, had withdrawn; and they said to me, “Have you no other observations to offer?” “No; what I have said, is the truth.” “Will you abjure and recant?” “No,” I replied; “but come to the Council; there you shall hear me. I am to appear before it, and there will I answer. Why do you tempt me? Have you come to console a prisoner, or add to his affliction?” Then, after having again exchanged some words, they withdrew. Take care of the books, if you have any; as for me, I am not aware of any.
Tell Master Jessenitz, that the notary has perfidiously changed my evidence concerning the explanation of the bull, which, as you have heard, I strongly affirmed before the Council.