Note 16. Page 18.
↑ Circe.] Daughter of Sol and Perseis, and aunt of Medea, being the sister of king Actes, of Colchis. She was famous for her knowledge of magic. Ulysses stopped a year with her in the island Æaca.
Note 17. Page 19.
↑ Libussa.] The third daughter of Krokus. She was elected Duchess of Bohemia after the death of Krokus, but was afterwards compelled by the Bohemian States to choose a husband. She chose Primislas, an unknown person. They reigned very happily, and gave to Bohemia a long line of sovereigns. Dubravius says of her, “Liberalior in hâc re Libussa natû minima apparuit, utque a nemine quidquam extorquebat, at potius fata publica omnibus quam privata singulis præcinebat; quâ liberalitate, et qui non gratuitâ solum, sed etiam minus fallaci prædictione utebatur, assecuta est, ut a viris comitia prætoria habentibus in locum patris Crocci subrogaretur.”
Note 19. Page 29.
↑ Krakau.] Formerly the capital of Poland; from 1815 to 1847 a republic, which, although guaranteed by the treaty of Vienna as an independent country, was incorporated with Austria in 1847, as Poland was to Russia.
Note 20. Page 31.
↑ The elective field.] Among the Sclavonian races, the elections always took place in a field destined for the purpose.