Page:Libussa, Duchess of Bohemia; also, The Man Without a Name.djvu/115

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The Man Without a Name.

play this time the part of the spirit-nun herself, to procure secretly a nun’s dress, and to escape thus incognito.

Handsome Fred was delighted with this well-conceived plan, and clapped his hands with joy. Although at the time of the thirty years war, free-thinkers were as yet rather scarce, the young warrior was however enough of a philosopher, if not to doubt altogether the existence of ghosts, at least to make it no concern of his to trouble his head about them. When everything therefore was settled between them, he lept into the saddle, recommended himself to the protection of love, and departed at the head of his squadron. The ensuing campain was a happy one for him: although he braved all danger, it seemed as if the god of love had granted his prayer and taken him under his special protection.

In the meantime Miss Emily lived in hopes and fears. She trembled for the life of her faithful lover, and gathered assiduously news from the battle-fields, to learn how their guests of last winter fared. Each rumour of a skirmish made her fear and tremble, which her mother declared to be a proof of a good and sensible heart, without having the least suspicion. The gallant warrior did not neglect to inform her

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