from time to time himself of his fate, by secret letters which through the means of a faithful Abigail came straight to her hands; and he occasionally received news from her through the same channel. As soon as the campaign was over, he prepared everything for his approaching secret expedition. He bought four moor-headed horses and a travelling carriage, and inspected diligently the almanack, in order not to miss the day on which he had to appear in the promised place, in a grove near the castle of Lauenstein.
On the day of All-Souls the young lady prepared herself, with the assistance of her faithful Abigail, to execute her plan: she pretended to be unwell, retired to her chamber, and metamorphorsed herself into the prettiest hobgoblin that ever tenanted this earth. The evening hours seemed to last longer than usual, and each moment augmented her desire to pass through the adventure. In the meanwhile that silent and discreet friend of lovers, the bright moon, illuminated with her pale light the castle of Lauenstein, where the bustle of the active day gave way insensibly to solemn silence. Every one in the house was asleep, except the housekeeper, who in heavy numbers was still calcu-