Note 1.
↑ Voigtland.] In Latin, Voigtlandia, Voigtia, or Voitlandia, also called Terra Advocatorum. The name is said to be derived from an inscription in verse on the wall of the ancient castle of Voigtburg:—
“Castra locans Drusus hîc, Prætoria nomina monti Fecit, posteritas servat et illa sibi.”
If what the ancient poet wrote upon the wall be true, the Roman general, Drusus, must have built that castle of Voigtburg about the year 60 of the Christian æra, and called it arcem prætoriam. As the words prætor and advocatus have the same meaning, the governors (or Voigts) were afterwards called advocati; and this may account for the fact, that the whole country went afterwards by the name of Terra advocatorum, in German Voigtland.
The Voigtland is situated in Upper Saxony, and is bordered on the north by the principality of Altenburg aud the district called Osterland, on the east by Bohemia