Page:Libussa, Duchess of Bohemia; also, The Man Without a Name.djvu/25

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thou offerest me. My heart wishes for a higher reward. What is honour, but the tinder of pride? what are riches, but the root of avarice? what is love, but the lure of the passions, to ensnare the noble freedom of the heart? Grant me my wish, to repose in the shade of thy oak from the fatigues of the campaign, to hear from thy sweet lips the precepts of wisdom, and to be enabled to decipher the secrets of the future.”

“Thy request,” answered the Elf, “is of great import, but so are the services thou hast rendered me. Be it, then, as thou wishest. The bandage shall disappear from before thy corporeal eyes, that thou mayest be enabled to view the secrets of concealed wisdom. Enjoying the fruit, take also the shell. For the wise man is also an honoured man; he alone is rich, for he wishes for no more than he wants; and he tastes the nectar of love without poisoning it with impure lips.” Saying this, she once more gave him the three hulls, and departed.

The young hermit prepared his bed of moss under the oak, highly satisfied with the reception the Elf had given him. Sleep overtook him immediately; pleasant morning dreams hovered round his head and filled his imagination with happy forebodings.