the weak. Go to your father; remain the consolation of his old age, and support him by the labour of your industrious hands. Take two white bulls from my herd as a gift, with this staff to guide them; when it shall bloom and bring forth fruit, the spirit of prophesy will dwell within you.”
The youth thought himself unworthy of the gift of the charming maiden, and blushed deeply at accepting a donation without being able to give one in return. On taking leave, if his lips were not eloquent, his doleful mien was greatly so. He found attached to the gate below two splendid white bulls, as sleek and beautiful as that godlike bull upon whose smooth back in times of yore the virgin Europa swam through the blue waves of the sea. He detached them joyfully, and drove them leisurely before him.
The distance on his way seemed only a few yards, his mind being all along occupied with thoughts of the beautiful Libussa; and he vowed to himself that, although he had no hopes of ever enjoying her love, he would never love another.
The old knight was greatly rejoiced at the return of his son, and still more that the decision of the daughter of the sage Krokus was quite