Krokus would have gladly seen his daughter united to him; but the coyness of the maiden was insurmountable, and he would by no means force her inclinations. Wladomir, however, was not easily discouraged, and he hoped through his constancy and fidelity finally to overcome the obstinacy of the young lady. He remained in the suite of the Duke to the last, but without making the slightest progress in her good graces. Now he thought the favourable moment was come to win her heart by a meritorious action, and to gain from her gratitude what he could not obtain from her spontaneous free-will. He decided upon braving the hate and vengeance of the two dreaded sisters, and elevating his beloved to the throne at the risk of his life. Seeing the indecision and vacillation of the elective council, he rose and said, “If you will listen to me, ye nobles of the land and valorous knights, I will relate to you a parable, from which you may learn how to terminate the election to the benefit of the country. As soon as silence was established, he thus began:—
“The bees had lost their queen, and the whole hive became depressed and sad. They flew but seldom, and lazily, about; had neither inclination nor courage to make honey; their