industry began to slacken, and food was wanting. Therefore they were seriously considering the necessity of choosing a new chief, who understood their policy, and was able to keep order and maintain discipline. The wasp came first, and said, ‘Choose me for your queen. I am powerful and formidable: the proud horse fears my sting; and even your mortal enemy the bear I can resist, for when he approaches your honey-tree, I can sting him in the muzzle. I will take care of you, and protect you.’ The bees were well pleased with this speech; but, after due consideration, the wisest among them answered, ‘Thou art valorous and terrible; but it is the very sting which is to protect us that we fear. Thou canst not be our queen.’ Thereupon the drone came humming, and said, ‘Take me for your queen. Hear you not the noise of my wings, announcing elevation and dignity? I am not wanting either in a sting for your defence.’ The bees answered, ‘We are a peaceable and quiet people; the fierce noise of thy wings would only disturb us, and prevent our industry. Thou canst not be our queen.’ At last the mother-bee asked to be heard: ‘Although I am bigger and stronger than you,’ she said, ‘my ascendancy can never hurt you;
Page:Libussa, Duchess of Bohemia; also, The Man Without a Name.djvu/50