for see, I have not got the dangerous sting. I am of a gentle disposition, and a friend of order and domestic habits, and know how to promote industry and encourage labour.’ Then the bees answered, ‘Thou art worthy to govern us; we will obey thee. Be thou our queen.’”
Wladomir was silent. The whole assembly guessed the meaning of his speech, and their minds were favourably disposed for Libussa; but at the moment when they wished to proceed to the election, a croaking raven flew over the election-field. This unfavourable omen interrupted all further deliberation, and the election was postponed to the next day. Miss Bela had dispatched that bird of bad portent, to interrupt the election; for she knew the disposition of the electors, and Prince Wladomir had excited her deepest hatred. She consulted with her sister Therba, and they decided that both should avenge themselves upon their common detractor, by sending a heavy night-mare to squeeze the soul out of his body.
The hardy knight had no presentiment of the danger that threatened him. He went, as usual, to pay his respects to his mistress, and, for the first time, was received with a friendly look, from which he augured a future full of bliss; and if his
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